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Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:13 AM '
Double Kill !
The crime scene photos of Leong's and Vin's death.

Leong's dead body in the lift at level 8, Department of Psychology.

Crime scene indicated victim was killed while in the midst of retrieving more deco items.

Another direct stab to the heart that caused instant death. Same killing pattern from all previous killings.

Vin's dead body being hung after murdered.

Murder of victim happened along the corridor of level 8, Department of Psychology.

Killer's mockery to the victim after killing.

Thursday, October 23, 2008 5:19 PM '
Death Tune
The crime scene photos of Madeline. Died in her car while selecting music for Halloween Night.

A note left by the killer. Blood trails that lead to no where. As though he disappeared.

Music Cds scattered everywhere in the car indicating the victim was selecting music for Halloween Night.

More Cds. Clean from blood splatter. Indicated that the victim was stabbed direct from the front.

The victim's head was smashed by the door after her death. A sign of hatred portrayed by the killer.

7:03 AM '
First Blood !
The whole crime scene of the 3rd victim - Kai.

The general scene of the victim. His dead position - Kai.

Blood splatter indicates a force stab from the front.

Blood pool as a result of a death stab to the heart.

The same note left on the previous crime scenes. The killer's trademark and threat that he will be back for MORE on Kai's floorplan for Halloween Night !

The location of the crime scene. Car Park near Main Block; route to the Maintenance Department.

The Purchasing Division Department of Maintenance where Kai was a few step away from.


Click Below for the Photos of Evidence !


Click Below for the List of Suspects !

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Basecode: Kodies

Picture: Flickr

Main Editor: Uncle Sam